DQCRANE KBK double-girder
suspension cranes with modular crane system enable goods to be easily transported. KBK double-girder suspension cranes provide fast, reliable and precise positioning for all loads, including heavy loads with large span dimensions. Rated for loads weighing up to 3000kg.
KBK double-girder suspension cranes:
- KBK-LS type flexible modular double girder suspension crane is composed of standard linear track and other auxiliary standard parts.
- The trolley travelling part at both ends of the main beam can be run on two tracks perpendicular to the direction of the main beam, the single beam can be used with each type of fixed chain hoist, the special KBK driving device can drive the hoist to run along the direction of the main beam.
- This kind of product is used for plane material transportation and can be used in workshop or warehouse.
- The flexible modular double girder suspension crane is used to lift heavy materials with large span due to the use of double-rail parallel composite beam to increase the load-bearing capacity of the main beam.
- KBK Double-girder suspension cranes feature a low deadweight and favourable structural dimensions.
- In addition, the pendulating suspension largely absorbs the horizontal forces caused by starting, braking and stopping.
- Double-girder suspension cranes can even be installed in buildings of light steel construction.
- KBK classic double-girder cranes can also operate on several runways, thus providing large spans to cover extensive storage and production areas.
- The cranes can be easily moved by hand. However, electric friction wheel travel drives from the KBK crane construction kit are recommended for spans greater than 6 m and load capacities exceeding 2000 kg.

Optimum space utilisation:
- Overhead, area-serving load transport.
- Optimum utilisation of space thanks to minimum approach dimensions.
- Suspension from existing workshop ceilings or roof structures.
- Require no additional supports for the crane runway.
Convenient handling:
- Simple, safe and reliable handling.
- Favourable installation dimensions.
- Customer-specific and cost-effective solutions for workshops–also in limited sections.
- Versatile applications thanks to modular system design (e.g. latching arrangements with KBK double suspension monorails for crane trolley transfer).
Strong performance:
- Rated for loads weighing up to 3,000 kg.
- Maximum possible hook paths by arranging the hoist between the crane girders.
- Maximum span dimensions by means of multiple suspensions (cranes operating on more than two runways) – to cover extensive storage and production areas.
- Modular system design.
Modular design, light structure, low cost, sufficient space and convenient operation. It is widely used in machining industry, workshop, warehouse etc.
Note: For non-standard specifications, please contact us or talk to your sales representative for consultation on customized product service.