overhead cranes are generally installed inside the workshop, before installing the overhead cranes, there are some preparation work need to be confirmed.
As we all know, workshops are made of steel structure and concrete columns, nowadays, most are made of steel structures.
Why concrete column made workshop specially mentioned?
- When you choose concrete made workshop, please consider the crane installation in the future, thus the concrete columns are not only columns, it should design the brackets on the columns.
- DQCRANE had served many clients who has the concrete column made workshop, but they didn’t consider crane installation at the construction stage, which will lead to much higher cost and trouble in installing cranes someday they want. Of course we also successfully served some cases to provide solution of steel brackets and install it on the concrete columns for some clients.
- Another solution for concrete made workshop, to install steel columns beside the concrete columns, thus DQCRANE will design the drawing according to the distance of columns and provide solution of steel columns and runway beam additionally.
Concrete made workshop:
Steel structure workshop:

The other kind of workshop is made of steel structure, this kind of workshop is most popular, when you choose steel structure workshop, the following should be considered:
Crane capacity, max. wheel load, crane weight.

If you haven’t start the construction of steel structure, DQCRANE advise
European style overhead crane, because it has light weight and high performance, which can save much cost on the steel structure; if you have already finished the steel structure, then you need to discuss with your structure design engineers and confirm crane capacity, wheel load and weight to ensure the steel structure can support the wanted crane.
DQCRANE cranes solution:
All the above are for overhead cranes, if your workshop is big enough, you can consider rail mounted
gantry crane and wheel gantry crane instead of overhead cranes,
gantry cranes don’t need columns and runway beams, but it will take some space of workshop.
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contact us to get more details and crane solution.